Tio Conejo

Silver Spring,  MD 
United States
  • Booth: R5


We believe coffee is one of the best tools to bring fair and sustainable relationships between producers and buyers. No other product can represent that much financial potential for the farmers and can bring so much joy to the consumers.

By representing everybodies coffee with the same devotion we represent our own, we have created a culture of respect, hard work and knowledge, that allow us to say, we have some of the best Colombian coffees available in the market.We have broken the breach between a great coffee and a great buyer by empowering the quality control department. They are now not just another player on the chain, but the center of our everyday work, since they source, prepare and support the coffees from farm to dry mill. They support and stand behind our products, provide traceability and commercial standards, so we can present to you just the best available coffees from some of the most dedicated producers from Colombia.

Our commercial work, is one of personal relationships, consistent communication and total transparency We want you to know the "Tio Conejo touch", which is that small part of us, that we left behind in each coffee, sample and email we share. 

Brands: We represent a great variety of producers, that are concentrated on the creation of Microlots. Our specialty coffees are unique in origin, traceability, social impact and transparency.


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